This can serve as your bibliography page. If you've published many works, you'll probably want to limit the works you list here to a manageable number -- two or three -- at first.
From this page, you can edit and organize your Selected Works. First, enter Edit Mode (click the large blue "Edit" box on the toolbar at the top of this page). Then click on the work you'd like to edit in the CENTER column (not the Selected Works column).
Categories appear in Selected Works in alphabetical order. By renaming the "Thrillers" category "Books" you would move that category to the top of this list.
To move selections up and down within a Selected Works category, use the little arrows in blue boxes that appear in the center column when you're in Edit Mode. (Remember, the center column controls the Selected Works section.)
Insert your own works by clicking the "ADD A WORK" button at the top of the center column. (You must be in Edit Mode to see this button.)
If you'd like headings in the center column, click "Add Header" at the top of that column (you must be in Edit Mode). Position the header with the little arrows.
This information also appears in the Help section in the toolbar at the top of the page. Delete this entire entry by clicking the small blue "Delete" box that appears directly above this entry when you're in Edit Mode.